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How to download online video with Vido

Here are some quick & easy instructions on how to download online video (no tech experience required):

  • Step 1: copy the video URL from your internet browser.
  • Step 2: paste the video link into the search box of Vido.
  • Step 3: hit "GO" to download online video to your device.
  • So this kinda explains everything. Vido is very easy to use, all you need is that video URL address (link) and a website like Vido. Well, who am I kidding, you need Vido and no other website can replace it.. You copy that link whichever way you want. It can even be written on a piece of paper and later typed off that. Mobile devices: simply tap on browser address bar and there's that copy icon right there.. Or tap-and-hold until menu shows up. On desktop usually right-click works with Copy. All the native apps like Youtube, Instagram, etc on your smartphone, tablet or laptop have social Share button, which will always have an option to just Copy Link.

    With link copied, come back to Vido and right-click + paste in the white box on top. Or you can tap and hold until paste icon shows up, if you are on a mobile device. Pasted in the box, now hit GO button and instantly see a few download options for your video. Very simple and straightforward. No trick, no ads, no popups or malware, all very safe, https secure. So you can go ahead and download video, extract audio or convert it to mp3.

    Keep in mind, if video starts playing instead of download - use the Right-Click + Save Link As strategy, which on smartphones would be Tap & Hold + Download link. This is guaranteed to download file, even if it was playing before on click. And of course any Apple device needs to be jailbroke before it can download and save any media such as video or audio files, so, yeah, work on that, if needed.

    So now after reading this you can see how easy it is to use Vido to download online video, convert online video to audio and download video as mp3.

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